donderdag 11 juni 2009


Today, while I was driving back from work, I was just thinking.. If the story of the prodigal son is true.. if it's true that God wants to throw a party when we turn back to Him, after turning away from Him.. then that is really.. uhm.. cool, in an awkard way.

If it is true that God created everything perfect, and man destroyed it.. and if it's true that He made the Way back to Him, while it wasn't His task..

If those two stories are true.. and if these are just two out of millions.. then God is really gracious.. in a way we'll never find somewhere else!

Lord, I wanna give You all I have and can.. for the entire world can not ever give a spark of what You deserve!!

Thank You for Your grace!!

1 opmerking:

Anoniem zei

weer een goed stukje matt, sweet on!!:O:P